Wednesday, July 7, 2010

PCB Fabrication - Printed Circuit Board Fabrication Is Possible At Home Also

PCB fabrication for multiple layered printed circuit boards is managed with an objective of providing an extra degree of freedom when it comes to selecting complicated or noise sensitive electronic circuits. The process includes the stacking of circuits on one another to establish predetermined interconnection set amongst them, with the help of reliable and techniques used for the sole purpose.

It is even possible to manage PCB fabrication at home and the benefit of making one at home is solving problems related to complex circuits. The method of PCB fabrication at home is as follows:

In the first stage the magazine schematic is transferred to the layout programs schematic part. This is followed by utilizing the PCB layout program to place the parts on board as well as to manage the routing of computer traces. After completion of some parts, clearance of rat’s nets begins. After the layout is done, a laser printer manages the printing of the board layers on a special toner transfer paper. The process of transferring the board image on the bare copper board is done with the help of a laminating machine or an iron that is used for hot cloth ironing.

Then the board is kept under water so that the paper that has stuck to can be removed and the toner remains behind. For the etching activity, an aquarium is used. Two aquarium pumps move over the copper boards while the job of the two aquarium heaters is to maintain the temperatures at 110 F. Depending upon the copper thickness as well as the quality of the solution, this activity can be managed in around 30 minutes on a higher end.

Once the etching work is completed, a solvent is utilized for removing the toner and the tinning process is managed using a soldering iron as well as a small tinned solder wick piece. Though, tinning is not mandatory, even though, it is advisable because it enhances the appearance of the board as well as prevents the oxidation process of copper until the process of soldering parts of board is done.
Then, the drilling of holes for leaded components and mounting holes is managed. Finally, the board is completely read to be populated.

The PCB fabrication process can be successfully managed if each and every step is carefully executed as well as the quality of the material used in the fabrication also plays an important role. So, if you are planning to create a durable PCB then it is important to keep the quality aspect in mind always.

Some of the points to be kept in mind while choosing a quality and etchant system, a good etchant system will result in a good quality fabrication. Etchants like FeCI3, Chromic acid, cupric chloride etc are some of the popularly used ones.

for more information then visit: PCBA


Pcb fabrication refers to mounting the elements on the Pcb board as per the electronic parts. It is no much less than an artwork, and a whole lot of care is taken at the developing stage. Pcb is the brain of any electronic tools and as a result Pcb fabrication ought to be accomplished quite intelligently retaining the distinct desires of the buyers in thoughts. Thanks a lot.

Circuit Board Assembly Services

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