The copper-coated, multi-layered board then undergoes additional processing to complete the circuitry. Initially in this process, a dry film mask is applied onto the exposed copper surfaces on both sides of the bo

For Circuit Board Manufacturers, the most prevalent hazardous wastestreams are spent aqueous process solutions, spent rinsewater, other metal-laden wastewaters, and the metalladen sludge that is precipitated by the treatment of the spent solutions, rinsewater, and other wastewaters. Many of the innovative source reduction measures listed here would reduce or eliminate sludge generation. Some of the measures would reduce the volume of aqueous wastestreams.
Source Reduction
Hazardous waste source reduction reduces or eliminates the quantity of hazardous waste generated at the source generating the waste. Source reduction can simplify and economize hazardous waste management.
Source reduction of process solutions includes several process substitution measures that reduce or eliminate the use of some process baths that generate hazardous waste. Some of the substitutions still do generate spent process solutions, but often at reduced volume, or as spent solutions that can be easily regenerated for reuse.
Onsite and offsite recycling are a complement to source reduction. While source reduction avoids generation of waste at the source, recycling manages the waste to derive further benefit. Like source reduction, recycling is a preferable alternative to treatment or disposal of the waste. Recycling can recover spent process chemicals or rinsewaters. Recycling can also recover contaminants like copper and other etched metals. Like source reduction, recycling can reduce the risk and impact to human health and the environment. Recycling can reduce or delay the need for storage, handling, transport, and disposal of spent process chemicals.
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